Current barcode status

Family: Trachelidae

Taxon # of
# of
with barcodes
Collected from
(# of specimens)
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Date last
BOLD access
Cetonana laticeps (Canestrini, 1868) 5 5
Germany 5
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Metatrachelas amabilis (Simon, 1878) araneae
Metatrachelas macrochelis (Wunderlich, 1992) araneae
Metatrachelas rayi (Simon, 1878) araneae
Orthobula charitonovi (Mikhailov, 1986) 20 16
Israel 14
Turkey 2
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Paratrachelas atlantis Bosselaers & Bosmans, 2010 araneae
Paratrachelas ibericus (Bosselaers, Urones, Barrientos & Alberdi, 2009) araneae
Paratrachelas maculatus (Thorell, 1875) 4 4
Turkey 1
Germany 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Paratrachelas validus (Simon, 1884) araneae
Trachelas canariensis Wunderlich, 1987 araneae
Trachelas daubei Schmidt, 1971 araneae
Trachelas minor O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872 araneae
Trachelas santaemartae Schmidt, 1971 araneae
Trachelas uniaculeatus Schmidt, 1956 araneae