Current barcode status

Family: Pholcidae

Taxon # of
# of
with barcodes
Collected from
(# of specimens)
Link to
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Date last
BOLD access
Artema atlanta Walckenaer, 1837 29 13
India 17
United States 7
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Artema doriae (Thorell, 1881) 1 1 BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Artema martensi Huber, 2021 araneae
Artema nephilit Aharon, Huber & Gavish-Regev, 2017 1 1 BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Belisana ambengan Huber, 2005 araneae
Crossopriza illizi Huber, 2022 araneae
Crossopriza khayyami Huber, 2022 araneae
Crossopriza lyoni (Blackwall, 1867) 53 32
India 33
United States 4
South Africa 3
Pakistan 2
Australia 1
Belgium 1
Dominican Republic 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Crossopriza semicaudata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876) araneae
Holocnemus caudatus (Dufour, 1820) 2 2
Spain 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Holocnemus hispanicus Wiehle, 1933 3 3
Spain 2
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Holocnemus pluchei (Scopoli, 1763) 42 31
United States 14
Egypt 6
Bulgaria 3
Turkey 2
Austria 2
Germany 2
Israel 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Holocnemus reini (C. Koch, 1873) araneae
Hoplopholcus asiaeminoris Brignoli, 1978 1 1 BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Hoplopholcus atik Huber, 2020 araneae
Hoplopholcus bursa Huber, 2020 araneae
Hoplopholcus cecconii Kulczyński, 1908 1 1 BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Hoplopholcus dim Huber, 2020 araneae
Hoplopholcus figulus Brignoli, 1971 araneae
Hoplopholcus forskali (Thorell, 1871) 6 0
Bulgaria 6
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Hoplopholcus gazipasa Huber, 2020 araneae
Hoplopholcus konya Huber, 2020 araneae
Hoplopholcus labyrinthi (Kulczyński, 1903) 1 1 BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Hoplopholcus longipes (Spassky, 1934) araneae
Hoplopholcus minotaurinus Senglet, 1971 araneae
Hoplopholcus minous Senglet, 1971 araneae
Hoplopholcus patrizii (Roewer, 1962) 1 1 BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Hoplopholcus suluin Huber, 2020 araneae
Hoplopholcus trakyaensis Demircan & Topçu, 2017 araneae
Maghreba amezyan Huber, 2022 araneae
Maghreba aurouxi (Barrientos, 2019) araneae
Maghreba djabalija Huber, 2022 araneae
Maghreba gharbija Huber, 2022 araneae
Maghreba kahfa Huber, 2022 araneae
Maghreba nkob Huber, 2022 araneae
Maghreba saghro Huber, 2022 araneae
Maghreba stifadma Huber, 2022 araneae
Metagonia bicornis (Keyserling, 1891) araneae
Metagonia duodecimpunctata Schmidt, 1971 araneae
Metagonia flavipes Schmidt, 1971 araneae
Metagonia lingua (Schmidt, 1956) araneae
Metagonia striata Schmidt, 1971 araneae
Micropholcus agadir (Huber, 2011) araneae
Micropholcus fauroti (Simon, 1887) 13 12
Netherlands 5
India 2
Cameroon 1
Cuba 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Micropholcus tegulifer Barrientos, 2019 araneae
Modisimus culicinus (Simon, 1893) 8 7
Mexico 3
Dominican Republic 2
United States 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Modisimus globosus Schmidt, 1956 araneae
Nita elsaff Huber & El-Hennawy, 2007 2 2
Egypt 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Pholcus alticeps Spassky, 1932 23 17
Germany 3
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Pholcus crassipalpis Spassky, 1937 araneae
Pholcus creticus Senglet, 1971 araneae
Pholcus fuerteventurensis Wunderlich, 1992 araneae
Pholcus genuiformis Wunderlich, 1995 araneae
Pholcus mecheria Huber, 2011 araneae
Pholcus opilionoides (Schrank, 1781) 43 14
Canada 16
Germany 10
Spain 2
Bulgaria 2
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775) 78 27
Canada 17
Germany 5
Australia 2
Portugal 2
Bulgaria 1
United States 1
South Africa 1
United Kingdom 1
Austria 1
New Zealand 1
Norway 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Pholcus ponticus Thorell, 1875 7 7
Russia 7
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Pholcus sidorenkoi Dunin, 1994 araneae
Pholcus sogdianae Brignoli, 1978 araneae
Pholcus spasskyi Brignoli, 1978 araneae
Pholcus spiliensis Wunderlich, 1995 araneae
Pholcus turcicus Wunderlich, 1980 araneae
Pholcus velitchkovskyi Kulczyński, 1913 araneae
Physocyclus globosus (Taczanowski, 1874) 38 19
Costa Rica 10
Australia 1
Cuba 1
Mexico 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Psilochorus minimus Schmidt, 1956 araneae
Psilochorus simoni (Berland, 1911) 16 11
Germany 2
United Kingdom 1
Finland 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Smeringopus pallidus (Blackwall, 1858) 5 4
South Africa 2
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Spermophora kerinci Huber, 2005 2 2 BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Spermophora senoculata (Dugès, 1836) 18 9
Israel 12
Turkey 1
United States 1
Bulgaria 1
BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Spermophorides baunei Wunderlich, 1995 araneae
Spermophorides elevata (Simon, 1873) araneae
Spermophorides huberti (Senglet, 1973) araneae
Spermophorides mammata (Senglet, 1973) araneae
Spermophorides mediterranea (Senglet, 1973) araneae
Spermophorides petraea (Senglet, 1973) araneae
Spermophorides simoni (Senglet, 1973) araneae
Spermophorides valentiana (Senglet, 1973) araneae
Stygopholcus absoloni (Kulczyński, 1914) araneae
Stygopholcus montenegrinus Kratochvíl, 1940 araneae
Stygopholcus photophilus Senglet, 1971 1 1 BOLD araneae 2021-10-31
Stygopholcus skotophilus Kratochvíl, 1940 1 0 BOLD araneae 2021-10-31