Prosoma with 13-15 teeth on lateral margin, pars cephalica elevated. Resembles E. tenuimana and E. tirolensis. Exceptionally long median and posterior teeth of the embolic division, presence of a lamelliform apophysis at the dorsal ridge of the palpal tibia and larger pit compared to the length of the tibia.
Prosoma length: 1.2 mm, prosoma width: 0.8 mm.
Body length male: 3 mmProsoma with tiny denticles on lateral margin. Resembles E. tenuimana and E. tirolensis. Stronger dentition at the anterolateral margins of the chelicerae.
Prosoma length: 1.0 mm, prosoma width: 0.8 mm.
Body length female: 3 mm"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
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