Linyphiidae  Blackwall, 1859 / Bolephthyphantes  Strand, 1901   2 species

Bolephthyphantes caucasicus  (Tanasevitch, 1990)


Prosoma light brown with a dark midline. Opisthosoma white with a greyish pattern. Palp: distal branch of paracymbium with narrow tooth-like projection on outer margin.

Prosoma length: 1.1 mm, prosoma width: 0.9 mm.


Prosoma pale with a dark midline. Opisthosoma white with a greyish pattern. Epigyne with narrow stretcher.

Prosoma length: 1.1 mm, prosoma width: 0.9 mm.

  No data
Distribution comment: Czechia: Record by Růžička (2000) provisionally counted as B. index (see Buchar & Růžička 2002: 49)
Global distribution (WSC 2025): France, Caucasus (Russia, Azerbaijan)
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

Azerbaijan   (Otto, 2022) ||| France   (Miquet et al., 2022) ||| Russia, Southern   (Otto, 2022) |||

Buchar J, Růžička V (2002) Catalogue of spiders of the Czech Republic. Peres Publishers, Praha, 351 pp. pdf

Miquet A, Oger P, Déjean S (2022) Bolephthyphantes caucasicus (Tanasevitch, 1990), nouvelle espèce pour la France découverte dans les Alpes et les Pyrénées (Araneae, Linyphiidae). Revue Arachnologique (2) 9: 26-29 pdf

Otto S (2022) Caucasian spiders. A faunistic database on the spiders of the Caucasus Ecoregion. Database version 02.2022. Internet:

Růžička V (2000) Spiders (Araneae) of two valleys in the Krkonose Mts. (Czech Republic). Ekológia (Bratislava) 19, Suppl. 3: 235-244 pdf

Tanasevitch A V (1990) The spider family Linyphiidae in the fauna of the Caucasus (Arachnida, Aranei). In: Striganova B R (ed.), Fauna nazemnykh bespozvonochnykh Kavkaza. Moscow, Akaedemia Nauk, pp. 5-114 pdf

WSC (2025) World Spider Catalog. Version 26. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (28.2.2025) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

16-01-2023 Distribution insert Detail
18-02-2019 Distribution update Detail
11-07-2016 Datasheet update Detail