Palp similar to that of L. tredecimguttatus. Prosoma 2.4 mm long. Colouration as in female, but with more contrast.
Body length male: 3.4-6.2 mmVulva: copulatory ducts forming 4 coils, spermathecae parallel. Prosoma brown, 4.4 mm long. Legs: patella and tip of tibia darker. Opisthosoma dark brown to black, dorsally with loop-like brown blotches, ventrally with a dark red marking. Opisthosoma clothed with very long hair-like bristles.
Body length female: 8.1-13 mmUsually around houses, under or between stones, or on low vegetations. Altitude up to 1050 m.
This species is assumed to be less toxic than the European L. tredecimguttatus, but it can bite humans, as also all other Latrodectus species in the world. Often, a bite causes significant effects, with severe and long-lasting pain in two-thirds of cases, preventing patients from sleeping in one-third of cases. Pain increases in more than half of the cases within the first hour and mostly radiates into the limbs or abdominal pain develops. Typical symptoms include sweating in about 70% of cases and further systemic effects in 20–30% of cases (nausea and vomiting in less than 20%, raised temperature and neuromuscular effects in about 10%, hypertension in less than 10% of cases). Pain usually lasts 1–2 days and the other symptoms 1–4 days. If needed, a symptomatic medical treatment is recommended.
This species of African origin is not native to geographical Europe (alien species). Introductions to several countries did not lead to established populations but it occurs in Turkey, Cyprus and northern Africa.
"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
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Nolan M (2012b) A button in a balafon; an occurrence of the widow spider Latrodectus geometricus C. L. Koch (Araneae, Theridiidae) in Ireland. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 124: 6-7
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22-04-2024 | Distribution update | Detail |
01-03-2023 | Distribution update | Detail |
18-02-2022 | Distribution insert | Detail |
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03-11-2020 | Gallery image insert | |
09-06-2020 | Distribution update | Detail |
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21-11-2017 | Image insert | |
18-11-2017 | Distribution update | Detail |
04-06-2013 | Image insert |