Prosoma dorsally brown with black margin with lateral white hairs. Opisthosoma dorsally dark brown with symmetrical light spots and two lateral longitudinal bands of white hairs. Palp: sandy-brown striped, with white hairs dorsally. Cymbium rusty red, distally beige. Embolus erect, distal tip of tibial apophysis elongated.
Body length male: 3.6-4.8 mmProsoma as in male. Opisthosoma dorsally light brown, black in posterior third, with beige lateral and median longitudinal pattern. Epigyne with two elliptical depressions and basal receptacula.
Body length female: 5.4-6.8 mm"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
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