Family Philodromidae Thorell, 1869

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Leg II strongly elongated (at least 1.4 times as long as leg I), anterior median eyes distinctly enlarged, patella of male palp with apophysis



Not so



Posterior median eyes closer to posterior lateral eyes  than to each other, tarsi and metatarsi without dense scopula in males (except for Philodromus histrio-group = genus Rhysodromus)



Posterior median eyes closer to each other than to posterior lateral eyes or equidistant, tarsi and metatarsi with dense scopula in both sexes



Opisthosoma strongly elongated (> 1.8 times longer than wide), without dark lanceolate mark



Opisthosoma < 1.8 times longer than wide, in distal third usually with dark lanceolate mark



This key has kindly been provided by Christoph Muster.

Further genera