Male palp with 2 pointed tegular apophyses lying close together. Tibial apophysis attached ventrally and with square-edged angles. The other one, situated retrolaterally, is keel-shaped and tapering toward the tip. Epigyne with circular groove. Vulva has a steep, rhomb-shaped edge and strongly protruding areas laterally. Prosoma with dark brown triangle, pointed posteriorly, surrounded by bright stripes and laterally flanked by dark brown stripes. Colouration sand to pink, male darker. Sternum brown to beige, longish oval. Margin partly dark brown. Chelicerae strongly spined frontally or with thin, inconspicuous spines only. Legs with dark brown lines and spots. Opisthosoma circular or pointed posteriorly. Densely haired dorsally, with brown folium, with 3 bright transverse lines posteriorly. Sand to pink coloured, males darker. Five sigilla visible.
Body length male: 5.4-6.9 mmon the ground or in low vegetation, in dry meadows and heathland. From the plain up to the alpine area
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
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"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
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