Prosoma dorsally rusty brown head plate dark brown with red-brown hairs, median white band. Opisthosoma dorsally black, white equatorial band, last third with broad T-shaped design with indistinct median black chevrons. Opisthosoma ventrally white. Palp: yellow-brown, femur and patella with dense white hair flag, cymbium with black hairs.
Body length male: 4.6-4.9 mmProsoma dorsally rusty brown, with dense red-brown and white hairs, head plate black. Opisthosoma dorsally yellow-brown with brown pattern and posterior T-shaped, light design, ventrally beige with black dots. Epigyne with two distinctly separated grooves and sclerotized borders.
Body length female: 6.4-6.5 mm"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
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