Linyphiidae  Blackwall, 1859 / Mansuphantes  Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996   12 species

Mansuphantes arciger  (Kulczyński, 1882)


Paracymbium with tooth on transverse branch, located approximately in the middle, therefore clearly visible from lateral. Epigyne with strongly developed epigynal plate, surrounds scapus collar-like. Prosoma yellow-brown, with vague median spot, posterior part black margined. Legs yellow-brown. Opisthosoma grey-brown.

Body length male: 1.6-2.1 mm
Body length female: 1.6-2.1 mm
Additional information

East Alps and Carpathians

Character states from linyphiid key
  No data
Global distribution (WSC 2025): Germany to Ukraine
 male  female
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

Czechia   (Růžička & Řezáč, 2022a) ||| Germany   (no references) ||| Poland   (Rozwałka & Stanska, 2008) ||| Romania   (no references) ||| Slovakia   (no references) ||| Ukraine   (Gnelitsa, 2004b) |||

Gnelitsa V A (2004b) [Preliminary data on spiders of the family Linyphiidae of the Vyzhnitsky National Nature Park (Carpathians, Ukraine)]. Nature Reserves in Ukraine 10: 86-89 pdf

Heimer S, Nentwig W (1991) Spinnen Mitteleuropas. Paul Parey Berlin pdf

Kulczyński W (1915) Fragmenta arachnologica, XVIII. Bulletin International de l'Academie des Sciences de Cracovie 1915: 897-942 pdf

Mikhailov K G (2013) The spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Russia and adjacent countries: a non-annotated checklist. Arthropoda Selecta, Supplement 3: 1-262 pdf

Rozwałka R, Stanska M (2008) Check-list of spiders (Araneae) of Poland. 1. December 2008. online at pdf

Růžička V, Řezáč M (2022a) Seznam pavouků České republiky. List of spiders of the Czech Republic. Online at and pdf

Wiehle H (1965a) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der deutschen Spinnenfauna IV. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 41: 11-57 pdf

WSC (2025) World Spider Catalog. Version 26. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (28.2.2025) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

Wunderlich J (1985d) Lepthyphantes pseudoarciger n. sp. und verwandte Arten der Lepthyphantes pallidus-Gruppe (Arachnida: Araneae: Linyphiidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 66: 115-118 pdf

16-02-2023 Distribution update Detail
04-03-2016 Distribution update Detail
03-06-2014 Image insert