Linyphiidae  Blackwall, 1859 / Halorates  Hull, 1911   1 species

Halorates reprobus  (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879)


Cymbium with narrow, pointed basal hump. Epigyne with approximately circular median part. Prosoma brown, margin and radial stripes darker. Sternum brown. Chelicerae brown. Legs brown, long and robust. Opisthosoma grey-black.

Body length male: 2.5-3 mm
Body length female: 2.5-4 mm
Additional information

on Sea coasts

Character states from linyphiid key
  No data
Distribution comment: Bulgaria: "uncertain record" (Deltshev & Blagoev 2001: 111)
Global distribution (WSC 2025): Western, Central and Northern Europe
 male  female
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

Belgium   (Bosmans & Van Keer, 2017) ||| Bulgaria   (Blagoev et al., 2018) ||| Denmark   (no references) ||| Faroe Islands   (Lissner et al., 2016b) ||| France   (no references) ||| Germany   (no references) ||| Iceland   (Agnarsson, 1996) ||| Ireland   (Lavery, 2019) ||| Netherlands   (no references) ||| Northern Ireland   (Lavery, 2019) ||| Norway   (Aakra & Hauge, 2003) ||| Russia, Northern   (no references) ||| Russia, Western   (no references) ||| Sweden   (Kronestedt, 2001) ||| United Kingdom   (Lavery, 2019) |||

Aakra K, Hauge E (2003) Checklist of Norwegian spiders (Arachnida: Araneae), including Svalbard and Jan Mayen. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 50: 109-129 pdf

Agnarsson I (1996) Íslenskar köngulær Fjölrit Náttúrufræðistofnunar 31: 1-175 pdf

Blagoev G, Deltshev C, Lazarov S, Naumova M (2018) The spiders (Araneae) of Bulgaria. Version: August 2018. National Museum of Natural History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Online at (accessed on 10.9.2018) pdf

Bosmans R, Van Keer K (2017) Een herziene soortenlijst van de Belgische spinnen (Araneae). Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging 32: 39-69 pdf

Deltshev C, Blagoev G (2001) A critical check list of Bulgarian spiders (Araneae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 12: 110-138 pdf

Fjellberg A (unpubl.)

Kronestedt T (2001) Checklist of Spiders (Araneae) in Sweden [Preliminary version February 2001] pdf

Lavery A (2019) A revised checklist of the spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Arachnology 18: 196-212 pdf

Lissner J, Jensen J-K, Hansen L J, Simonsen W, Kelduni R, Nissen K (2016b) An updated checklist of spiders (Araneae) of the Faroe Islands. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 63: 197-240 pdf

Locket G H, Millidge A F (1953) British spiders. Vol. II. Ray Society, London, 449 pp. pdf

Løvbrekke H (unpubl.)

Mikhailov K G (2013) The spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Russia and adjacent countries: a non-annotated checklist. Arthropoda Selecta, Supplement 3: 1-262 pdf

Roberts M J (1987) The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 2: Linyphiidae and checklist. Harley Books Colchester, England, 204 pp. pdf

Wiehle H (1960b) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der deutschen Spinnenfauna. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 88: 195-254 pdf

WSC (2025) World Spider Catalog. Version 26. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (28.2.2025) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

01-01-2020 Image insert
22-08-2014 Image insert