Wolfgang Nentwig, Theo Blick, Robert Bosmans, Ambros Hänggi, Christian Kropf & Anna Stäubli
Search for species Key to families Families Europe - Country lists Photo gallery
09-12-2024 - Distribution update: Palliduphantes insignis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1913)
08-12-2024 - Distribution update: Bassaniodes cribratus (Simon, 1885)
08-12-2024 - Distribution update: Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, 1805
08-12-2024 - Distribution update: Ozyptila judaea Levy, 1975
08-12-2024 - Distribution update: Bassaniodes ferus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876)
08-12-2024 - Distribution update: Bassaniodes bliteus (Simon, 1875)
08-12-2024 - Distribution update: Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck, 1757)
08-12-2024 - Distribution update: Thanatus vulgaris Simon, 1870
08-12-2024 - Distribution update: Thanatus lesserti (Roewer, 1951)
08-12-2024 - Distribution update: Pulchellodromus pulchellus (Lucas, 1846)
Spiders of Europe covers now 5739 species with 56111 figures, 7388 photos and 4053 references.
Daniel Gloor left the editorial group. Thank you Daniel, you gave Spiders of Europe its present form and were a stroke of luck for us.
In 2021 more than 400 sessions per day.
Harald Løvbrekke contributed meanwhile drawings for more than 500 species. Thank you very much!
Robert Bosmans becomes a new editor of araneae - Spiders of Europe. Welcome to the team!
The database comprises now species and distribution data from 5 North African countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea (thanks to Rop Bosmans).
araneae - Spiders of Europe changed domain from unibe.ch to nmbe.ch.
Launch of the redesigned website.
SPIDOnet.gr - Spiders of Greece module online (link).
Biodiversity module online (number of species, family overview and exportable country lists).