Bulbus with indistinctly forked tip. Palp: the tip of the embolus is shorter than in S. senoculata, and bifurcated. Prosoma 3.5-4 mm long. Prosoma dark brown. Sternum dark brown, darker than coxa. Metatarsus I with a pair of lateral spines. Opisthosoma with grey pattern broken into single spots by bright median stripes.
Body length male: 7-8 mmProsoma 3-5 mm long. Sternum dark brown, darker than coxa. Legs brownish, the posteriors with black annulations. Metatarsus I as in S. florentina. Opisthosoma grey brownish spotted with black, dorsally with a black pattern as in fig., ventrally with a median broad blackish band.
Body length female: 10-14 mmJuveniles of S. florentina look like adults of S. bavarica. In rock crevices, stone walls, pine forests, under bark, dry mixed forests, under stones, semi-dry grasslands, in houses.
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"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
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