Agelenidae: Aterigena Bolzern, Hänggi & Burckhardt, 2010

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Prosoma longer than 5.2 mm; cymbium longer than 2.0 mm; dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis more or less conical (in retrolateral view); embolus longer than twice cymbium width, epigynal plate wider than 0.8 mm; atrium of epigynum rectangular or trapezoidal, if transversally divided, posterior part much shorter than anterior part



Prosoma smaller than 5.2 mm; cymbium shorter than 2.0 mm; tip of dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis skewed ventrad (in retrolateral view), embolus shorter than twice cymbium width; epigynal plate smaller than 0.8 mm; atrium of the epigynum oval, tranversely subdivided into subequal parts






Lateral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis relatively long; distal apex of conductor only weakly bent; ratio bulb length to cymbium length smaller than 0.7, atrium of the epigynum transversally divided, forming membranous oval part anteriorly, and sclerotized semicircular bar posteriorly

Aterigena aliquoi (Brignoli, 1971)





Ratio of palpal tibia length to cymbium length smaller than 0.43; dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis originating approximately in middle of tibia; copulatory openings well visible, lateral margins of epigynal atrium converging posteriad, each vertex forming strongly elongated process

Aterigena ligurica (Simon, 1916)





Ratio bulb length (laterally from cymbium base to conductor tip) to cymbium length smaller than 0.7; ratio tibia length to cymbium length smaller than 0.6; distal apex of conductor longer than wide; transverse separation of epigynal atrium more or less straight; receptacula globular, round; fertilization ducts strongly convoluted

Aterigena soriculata (Simon, 1873)





Ratio bulb length to cymbium length larger than 0.7; ratio tibia length to cymbium length larger 0.6; distal apex of conductor as long as or shorter than wide; transverse separation of epigynal atrium in the middle slightly curved posteriad; receptacula oval; fertilization ducts weakly convoluted

Aterigena aspromontensis Bolzern, Haenggi & Burckhardt, 2010