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2020-05-07 09:03:36

Description male / description German

Cymbium mit dorsalem Höcker. Tibialapophyse lateral spitz. Epigyne mit sehr schmalem Mittelsteg, mehr als drei mal so lang wie breit. Prosoma Weibchen: gelblich-braun, Männchen: rotbraun. Sternum hell gelblich. Cheliceren hell gelblich. Beine grün. Femur mitunter bräunlich. Opisthosoma des lebenden Tieres grün, mitunter mit weisslicher Zeichnung.

Description male / description English

Cymbium with dorsal hump. Tibial apophysis laterally pointed. Epigyne with very narrow median bar, more than three times as long as wide. Prosoma female: yellowish brown, male: red-brown. Sternum bright yellowish. Chelicerae bright yellowish. Legs green. Femur sometimes brownish. Opisthosoma of living specimens green, sometimes with whitish pattern.

Body length male

Description female English

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

Häufig auf Blättern von Kräutern und Sträuchern, meist in Gärten und an Waldrändern.

Miscellaneous English

Frequent on leaves of herbs and bushes, mostly in gardens and forest edges.

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English