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2019-11-07 08:05:59

Description male / description German

Pedipalpus mit distalem Zahn der Lamella, kurz und breit. Paracymbium mit gleich langen Zähnen. Sichtbarer Scapusteil hinten ankerförmig, laterale Ränder des darunter liegenden Scapusteiles halbkreisförmig. Prosoma gelbbraun. Beine gelbbraun. Opisthosoma weisslich mit paarigen Winkelflecken.

Description male / description English

Male palp with short and broad distal tooth of lamella. Paracymbium with equally long teeth. Visible scapus part posteriorly anchor-shaped, subjacent scapus part with semicircular lateral margins. Prosoma yellow-brown. Legs yellow-brown. Opisthosoma whitish with paired chevrons.

Body length male

Description female German

Description female English

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

In vielen, auch anthropogenen Lebensräumen

Miscellaneous English

In various, also anthropogenic habitats

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English