2019-03-10 11:57:21
Description male / description GermanMeasurements: Total length 3.85; cephalothorax length 1.48, width 1.25; sternum length 0.68, width 0.45; chelicera length 0.72, width 0.30; abdomen length 2.35, width 1.45;
Eyes: Both eye rows straight; AME smaller than other eyes, touching each other. Other eyes approximately equal in size. Chelicerae with 2 large distal and 2 small apical teeth on promargin and with 1 large distal tooth on retromargin. Coloration: carapace, sternum, chelicerae and legs yellow-brown. Abdomen grey, with white pattern.
Palps: Cymbium with one big and one small tubercle in its basal part, visible in dorsal view. Paracymbium connected to cymbium with its fl at internal part. Lamella characteristica broad and incised, bifi d. It’s narrow distal branch gradually widening to a fan shaped apical part.
Embolus bent, sickle-shaped, bearing small teeth near its base.
Total length 4.05; cephalothorax length 1.60, width 1.25; sternum length 0.85, width 0.75; chelicera length 0.72, width 0.30; abdomen length 2.66, width 1.70. Eye arrangement and coloration
as in male. Chelicerae with 4 large teeth on promargin
and 4 small apical teeth on retromargin.
Epigyne: Lateral wall without teeth. Scape long and narrow, widening at the end. Two lateral lobes on each side of scape.