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2019-02-08 08:55:23

Description male / description German

Körper stark abgeflacht. Prosoma dunkelbraun. Beine dunkelbraun. Metatarsus und Tarsus auffallend dicht mit feinen Stacheln besetzt. Opisthosoma dunkelbraun, lateral und dorsal mit gelblichen Strichen, die sich dorsal vereinigen. Opisthosoma nicht höher als Prosoma.

Description male / description English

Body strongly flattened. Prosoma dark brown. Legs dark brown. Metatarsus and tarsus densely provided with fine spines. Opisthosoma dark brown, laterally and dorsally with yellowish lines that merge dorsally. Opisthosoma not higher than prosoma.

Body length male

Description female German

Description female English

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

Unter Rinde (vor allem von Fichten), selten unter Steinen und in der Bodenstreu

Miscellaneous English

Under bark (mainly of spruce), rarely under stones and in litter layer

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English