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2019-02-05 07:48:34

Description male / description German

Männchen mit Embolus in 6-Uhr-Position ansitzend (linker Palpus in ventraler Ansicht); Tegulum mit lang ausgezogener Apophyse retrolateral; Konduktor lang, parallel zur distalen Embolusspitze; Cymbiumspitze kurz, ungefähr ein Drittel der Tegulumlänge oder weniger.

Description male / description English

Males with embolus arising in 6-o’clock-position (left palpus in ventral view); tegulum with long tapering apophysis arising retrolaterally; conductor long, parallel to distal embolus tip; cymbium tip short, about one third of tegulum length or less.

Body length male

Description female German

Weibliche Epigyne mit mittlerem Längsschlitz, nur in der hinteren Hälfte getrennt.

Description female English

Female epigyne with median longitudinal slit, only in posterior half separated.

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

Häufig in Citrus-Plantagen

Miscellaneous English

Common in citrus groves

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English