2013-06-25 10:56:47
Description male / description GermanProsoma orange-braun mit V-förmiger Zeichnung hinter den Augen. Sternum blass gelb-braun. Beine orange-braun. Opisthosoma hellgrau, mit goldfarbenen Härchen, Herzfleck unauffällig.
Prosoma orange-brown with V-shaped marking behind the eyes. Sternum pale yellow-brown. Legs orange-brown. Opisthosoma light grey, covered with metallic gold hairs, cardiac mark inconspicuous.
Prosoma with broad yellowish median band, sides brown. Legs: distal half of femora and distal segments with dark brown spots and stripes. Opisthosoma: dorsum whitish, with yellow and brown dots, posterior half with a large grey patch, sides flecked with dark grey.