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2016-12-28 15:19:21

Description male / description German

Prosoma rötlich-gelb, hell, dorsal mitunter mit dunklerem Mittelfleck. Sternum rötlich-gelb, hell. Cheliceren rötlich-gelb, hell. Beine schmal rotbraun geringelt. Opisthosoma hellgelblich, ventral schwärzlich übertönt. Helles Mittelband des Opisthosoma in der Mitte am breitesten, von unregelmässigen, schwarzen Flecken begrenzt.

Description male / description English

Prosoma reddish yellow, bright, dorsally with darker median spot sometimes. Sternum reddish yellow, bright. Chelicerae reddish yellow, bright. Legs narrowly annulated with red-brown. Opisthosoma light yellowish, ventrally tinged with black. Bright median band of opisthosoma widest in the middle, bordered by irregular, black spots.

Body length male

Description female German

Description female English

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

In Mitteleuropa fast nur in Häusern, sonst unter Steinen an sehr warmen Orten.

Miscellaneous English

Almost only in buildings in Central Europe, otherwise under stones at very warm places.

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English

2016-12-28 15:19:15

Description male / description German

Prosoma rötlich-gelb, hell, dorsal mitunter mit dunklerem Mittelfleck. Sternum rötlich-gelb, hell. Cheliceren rötlich-gelb, hell. Beine schmal rotbraun geringelt. Opisthosoma hellgelblich, ventral schwärzlich übertönt. Helles Mittelband des Opisthosoma in der Mitte am breitesten, von unregelmässigen, schwarzen Flecken begrenzt.

Description male / description English

Prosoma reddish yellow, bright, dorsally with darker median spot sometimes. Sternum reddish yellow, bright. Chelicerae reddish yellow, bright. Legs narrowly annulated with red-brown. Opisthosoma light yellowish, ventrally tinged with black. Bright median band of opisthosoma widest in the middle, bordered by irregular, black spots.

Body length male

Description female German

Description female English

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

In Mitteleuropa fast nur in Häusern, sonst unter Steinen an sehr warmen Orten.

Miscellaneous English

Almost only in buildings in Central Europe, otherwise under stones at very warm places.

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English