Log value

Datasheet old values

2016-05-10 10:25:45

Description male / description German

Männchen unbekannt.

Description male / description English

Male unknown.

Body length male

Description female German

Prosomalänge: 5.8 mm, Prosomabreite: 3.6 mm.

Prosoma braunrot. Augen in zwei graden Linien. Labium braun. Sternum bräunlich, ovoid mit kleinen punkten. Cheliceren robust, mit je 3 Zähnchen an Vorder- und Hinterrand. Opisthosoma mit hellem Muster auf dunklem Hintergrund: 3 deutliche Zeichen anterior zu zwei braunen Punkten.

Description female English

prosoma length: 5.8 mm, prosoma width: 3.6 mm.

Prosoma brown-red. Eyes in two straight lines. Labium brown, sternum brownish, ovoid with small dots. Chelicerae robust, with 3 teeth on pro- and retromargin each.  Opisthosoma with light pattern on dark background: 3 clear stains anterior to two brown spots.

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

Species inquirenda gemäss Pantini & Isaia (2015).

Miscellaneous English

Species inquirenda according to Pantini & Isaia (2015).

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German
Aus der italienischen Checkliste entfernt (Pantini & Isaia, 2015)

Distribution comment English
Omitted from the Italian checklist by Pantini & Isaia (2015)


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English