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Datasheet old values

2016-05-09 11:05:34

Description male / description German

Palpus: Keine Trichobothrien am Cymbium. Kein deutlicher Überhang an der Mitte des Tegulums. Embolus lang, fadenförmig. Konduktor parallel zum Cymbium. Distaler Ast der retrotibialen Apophyse blattförmig.

Prosomalänge: 2.8 mm, Prosomabreite: 2.1 mm.

Description male / description English

Palp: Trichobothria on cymbium absent. No distinct protuberance medially at the tegulum. Embolus long, filiform. Conductor parallel to cymbium. Distal branch of retrotibial apophysis distinctly leaf-shaped.

prosoma length: 2.8 mm, prosoma width: 2.1 mm.

Body length male

Description female German

Keine Trichobothrien am Palpentarsus. Epigyne mit deutlichem, transversalem, stark sklerotisiertem Gürtel, der eine Tasche bildet. Öffnung posterior, Kopulationsöffnungen anterolateral von dieser Struktur.

Prosomalänge: 2.2 mm, Prosomabreite: 1.7 mm.

Description female English

Trichobothria on palp tarsus absent. Epigyne with a distinct, strongly sclerotized transversal rim forming a pocket, opening posteriad, copulatory opening anteriolaterally of this structure.

prosoma length: 2.2 mm, prosoma width: 1.7 mm.

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

Miscellaneous English

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English