Log value

Datasheet old values

2016-03-21 11:09:31

Description male / description German

Pedipalpus: Tibialapophyse lang, nadelförmig, distal gebogen. Prosoma: Kopfbereich dunkelbraun bis schwärzlich, etwas heller zwischen der Augenregion und Fovea, thorakaler Bereich gelblich-weiss. Prosomalänge: 1.28-1.50 mm. Beine: Coxen weiss, Femora dunkelbraun, Tibien braun bis dunkelbraun, Metatarsen und Tarsen gelblich-braun. Opisthosoma dorsal glänzend schwarz, ventral und postero-dorsaler Fleck weisslich.

Description male / description English

Pedipalp: tibial apophysis long, needle-shaped, pointed in antero-lateral direction. Prosoma: cephalic part dark brown to blackish, area between eyes and fovea slightly paler, thoracic part yellowish white. Prosoma length: 1.28-1.50 mm. Legs: coxae white, femora dark brown, tibiae brown to dark brown, metatarsi and tarsi yellowish brown. Opisthosoma: dorsum black, glossy, venter and postero-dorsal spot whitish.

Body length male

Description female German

Epigyne: Medianplatte trapezförmig, in der Mitte mit dunklem Quersreifen. Färbung wie Männchen. Prosomalänge: 1.32-1.50 mm.

Description female English

Epigyne: median plate trapezoid, median part with dark transverse stripe. Colouration as in males. Prosoma length: 1.32-1.50 mm.

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

Miscellaneous English

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English