2014-02-19 18:47:19
Description male / description GermanCarapace length 3.1 mm, width 2.4 mm; abdomen length 3.8 mm, width 2.6 mm. The carapace is reddish brown, gray, with blackish markings; at its borders with at blade-like marks and radial lines, which terminate in three pairs of broadened, yellowish cell-like marks. Its fringe is black. The anterior eye row is weakly curved backwards; the posterior eye row is curved stronger. The distance between the anterior eye row is larger than between the median eyes and lateral eyes. Chelicere, coxa, palpus, labium and sternum are of the same color as
the carapace. The sternum is imprinted with a long light band; its lateral part is darker and in front of the edge it bears blackish marks. The legs are orange-brown; the femur is somewhat light, the remaining segments yellow. The distal half of the patella bears triangular marks. A smoke-colored band is recognizable in the proximal and distal parts of the tibia. Leg Spination: Femur I and II with 1.1 dorsal, 1 anterior spine. Femur III with 1.1 dorsal, 1.1 antero-dorsal, 1.1 postero-dorsal. Femur IV 1.1 dorsal, 1 posterior spine. Tibia I and II at the tip with 1 antero-ventral spine. Tibia III 1.1 ventral, in the basal half with 1 anterior (near the center), 1.1 antero-ventral, 2.2.2 ventral, 1.1 posterior, 1 postero-ventral spine. Tibia IV 2.2.2 ventral, 1.1 antero-ventral, 2.1.1 posterior spines. Metatarsus I and II with 2 antero-ventral (long) spines, with scopula. Metatarsus III and IV without scopula. The blackish gray abdomen bears three longitudinal pairs of deeply im-
printed spots, in the posterior half with six pairs of diagonal lines.
Abdomen markings are brown-yellow and are not sharply developed. The venter is yellowish and bordered by two lines.
This species is close to Gnaphosa bicolor and G. modestior.
In forests under rocks.
2014-02-19 18:25:37
Description male / description German2014-02-19 18:15:44
Description male / description German