Lycosidae  Sundevall, 1833 / Pardosa  C. L. Koch, 1847   125 species

Pardosa giebeli  (Pavesi, 1873)


Embolus long and pointed. Epigyne with anterior part of epigynal groove hardly longer than posterior part. Prosoma dark brown, median longitudinal band reddish yellow, vague anteriorly. Lateral longitudinal bands of prosoma indistinct and interrupted. Legs red-brown. Femur spotted, annulated dorsally. Opisthosoma black-brown with red pattern. Broad, arrow-shaped median stripe surrounded by white hairs, remaining spots merged.

Body length male: 5.7-6.25 mm
Body length female: 5.75 mm
Additional information

in meadows, heath and rocky areas, Alps, 2000-3000 m

  No data
Global distribution (WSC 2025): Alps (France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria)
 male  female
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

Austria   (no references) ||| France   (Lecigne et al., 2022) ||| Germany   (no references) ||| Italy   (Pantini & Isaia, 2019) ||| Liechtenstein   (Arnold, 2001) ||| Switzerland   (no references) |||

Arnold K (2001) Beitrag zur Spinnenfauna (Arachnida, Araneae) des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. Berichte der Botanisch-Zoologischen Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg 28: 211-244 pdf

Kronestedt T (2004) Studies on species of Holarctic Pardosa groups (Araneae, Lycosidae). VI. On the identity of Pardosa luciae Tongiorgi with notes on P. trailli (O. P.-Cambridge) and some other species in the P. nigra-group. In Thaler, K. (ed.), Diversität und Biologie von Webspinnen, Skorpionen und anderen Spinnentieren. Denisia 12: 281-290 pdf

Lecigne S, Courtial C, Danflous S, Déjean S, Guerbaa K, Jacquet C, Montagne D, Montardi Y, Villepoux O (2022) De araneis Galliae IV, actualisation du référentiel des araignées de France - troisième note. Révision du statut de certaines espèces de la faune de France. Bulletin de l'Association Française d'Arachnologie 6: 3-38 pdf

Pantini P, Isaia M (2019) the online catalog of Italian spiders, with addenda on other arachnid orders occurring in Italy (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpionida, Scorpiones, Solifugae). Fragmenta Entomologica 51: 127-152 pdf

Tongiorgi P (1966a) Italian Wolf spiders of the genus Pardosa (Araneae: Lycosidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 134: 275-334 pdf

WSC (2025) World Spider Catalog. Version 26. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (28.2.2025) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

21-01-2022 Distribution update Detail