Theridiidae  Sundevall, 1833 / Coleosoma  O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882   3 species

Coleosoma floridanum  Banks, 1900


Dark yellowish brown. Opisthosoma with darker mottlings and scattered white spots dorsally, anterior end surrounded by a hard sclerite narrow dorsally but extending more than halfway along the ventral surface.

Prosoma length: 0.7 mm, prosoma width: 0.5 mm.

Body length male: 1.8-2.2 mm

Prosoma, sternum and legs yellowish brown, prosoma and sternum with narrow dark borders. Opisthosoma oval with spinnerets almost posterior, pale, dorsally with 3 pairs of irregular white patches followed by a median band of white patches.

Prosoma length: 0.8 mm, prosoma width: 0.6 mm.

Body length female: 1.7-2.1 mm
Additional information

In the wild, but also in buildings.

This species of American origin is not native to Europe (alien species). It had been introduced to Europe at least once and did establish.

  Not established
  No data
Global distribution (WSC 2025): North, Central and South America. Introduced to Europe, Macaronesia, West Africa, Seychelles, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, China, Japan, Pacific Is.
 male  female
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

Austria   (no references) ||| Belgium   (Bosmans & Van Keer, 2017) ||| Czechia   (Sestáková et al., 2013; Řezáč et al., 2021; Růžička & Řezáč, 2022a) ||| Denmark   (Lissner & Scharff, 2019) ||| Finland   (Koponen et al., 2016) ||| France   (no references) ||| Germany   (Blick et al., 2016) ||| Hungary   (Pfliegler, 2014) ||| Netherlands   (no references) ||| Poland   (Szymkowiak et al., 2025) ||| Russia, Eastern   (Plakkhina & Esyunin, 2022) ||| Slovakia   (Sestáková et al., 2013) ||| Switzerland   (no references) ||| United Kingdom   (Lavery, 2019) |||

Baert L, Maelfait J-P, Desender K, Hendrickx F, Dekoninck W, Berthet M, Bouckaert K, Caudron J, Leclercq M (2023) Updated checklist, origin, distribution, literature and genital drawings of the spiders of the Galápagos Islands Belgian Journal of Entomology 142: 1-188 pdf

Blick T, Finch O-D, Harms K H, Kiechle J, Kielhorn K-H , Kreuels M, Malten A, Martin D, Muster C, Nährig D, Platen R, Rödel I, Scheidler M, Staudt A, Stumpf H, Tolke D (2016) Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Spinnen (Arachnida: Araneae) Deutschlands. 3. Fassung, Stand April 2008, einzelne Änderungen und Nachträge bis August 2015. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70/4: 383-510 pdf

Bosmans R, Van Keer K (2017) Een herziene soortenlijst van de Belgische spinnen (Araneae). Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging 32: 39-69 pdf

Emerit M, Ledoux J-C (2008) Arrivée en France de Coleosoma floridanum Banks. Revue Arachnologique 17: 53-55 pdf

Koponen S, Fritzén N R, Pajunen T (2016) Checklist of spiders in Finland (Araneae). 6th version, December 2016, online at pdf

Lavery A (2019) A revised checklist of the spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Arachnology 18: 196-212 pdf

Lissner J, Scharff N (2019) Danish Spiders. Formerly online at pdf

Pfliegler W P (2014) Records of some rare and interesting spider (Araneae) species from anthropogenic habitats in Debrecen, Hungary. e-Acta Naturalia Pannonica 7: 143-156 pdf

Plakkhina E V, Esyunin S L (2022) New data on introduced spider species (Arachnida: Aranei) from the Urals. Arthropoda Selecta 31: 363-371 pdf

Řezáč M, Růžička V, Hula V, Dolanský J, Machač O, Roušar A (2021) Spiders newly observed in Czechia in recent years – overlooked or invasive species? BioInvasions Records 10: 555-566 pdf

Růžička V, Řezáč M (2022a) Seznam pavouků České republiky. List of spiders of the Czech Republic. Online at and pdf

Saaristo M I (1978) Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) from the Seychelles Islands, with notes on taxonomy. Annales Zoologici Fennici 15: 99-126 pdf

Sestáková A, Christophoryova J, Korenko S (2013) A tropical invader, Coleosoma floridanum, spotted for the first time in Slovakia and the Czech Republic (Araneae, Theridiidae). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 45: 40-44 pdf

Szymkowiak P, Konecka E, Rutkowski T, Pecyna A, Szwajkowski P (2025) Alien spiders in a palm house with the first report of parthenogenetic Triaeris stenaspis (Araneae: Oonopidae) infected by Wolbachia from new supergroup X. Scientific Reports 15(9512): 1-13 pdf

WSC (2025) World Spider Catalog. Version 26. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (28.2.2025) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

22-03-2025 Distribution insert Detail
24-01-2025 Image insert
01-03-2023 Distribution insert Detail
28-09-2022 Distribution insert Detail
07-03-2022 Distribution update Detail
05-08-2021 Distribution update Detail
19-01-2021 Distribution update Detail
01-05-2020 Datasheet update Detail
24-01-2017 Distribution update Detail
12-08-2014 Image insert
29-07-2014 Distribution update Detail
10-06-2014 Image insert
13-05-2014 Distribution update Detail