Prosoma length: 1.35 mm.
"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
Branco V V, Morano E, Cardoso P (2019) An update to the Iberian spider checklist (Araneae). Zootaxa 4614: 201-254
Canard A (1982) Les araignées du Massif Armoricain II. Les Mimetides. Bulletin de la Société Scientifique de Bretagne 54: 77-89
Kulczyński W (1905b) Araneae nonnullae in insulus Maderianis collectae a Rev. E. Schmitz. Bulletin International de l'Academie des Sciences de Cracovie 1905: 440-460
WSC (2025) World Spider Catalog. Version 26. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (28.2.2025) doi: 10.24436/2
05-11-2015 | Image insert |