Prosoma rusty yellow, with black margins and distinct longitudinal slit. Chelicerae with 3 teeth on pro- and 2 on retromargin. Legs pale yellow, tarsi darker. Opisthosoma pale grey with black-grey hairs. Palp: tibia 3.5x as long as thick, with protruding, slightly curved apophysis which bears an apical pointed tip which itself bears a smaller, median, pointed tip.
Prosoma length: 3.5 mm
Body length male: 4.3-5.3 mmColouration as in males. Epigyne: posterior with reniform, laterally with double chitinous bar marginated transversal groove, in which lies a slightly narrower, also reniform lamella.
Prosoma length: 4.0 mm.
Body length female: 9.1-12.5 mm"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
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