Dysderidae  C. L. Koch, 1837 / Dysderocrates  Deeleman-Reinhold & Deeleman, 1988   8 species

Dysderocrates storkani  (Kratochvíl, 1935)


Palp: bulb 1.7 mm long. Prosoma 5.3 mm long.

Body length male: 10.9 mm

Prosoma reddish or light brown, smooth, 5.3 mm long. Eyes: anteriors one diameter apart, PLE 0.5 diameter from PME. Legs pale reddish, femur I with 5 to 8 spines, femur II with 3 to 6 spines in 2 series, femur III with one to 7 spines, femur IV with 6 to 11 spines in 2 series.

Body length female: 12.3 mm
Additional information

Usually in beech and oak forests, in litter or under stones, also in caves. Altitude 800-1500 m.

Troglophile species (Mammola et al., 2022)

  No data
Global distribution (WSC 2025): Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

Albania   (Deltshev et al., 2011b) ||| Croatia   (Grbac et al., 2019) ||| Kosovo   (Geci & Naumova, 2021b) ||| Montenegro   (Naumova et al., 2019a) ||| North Macedonia   (Komnenov, 2017) ||| Serbia   (no references) |||

Deeleman-Reinhold C L, Deeleman P R (1988) Revision des Dysderinae (Araneae, Dysderidae), les espèces mediterranéennes occidentales exceptées. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 131: 141-269 pdf

Deltshev C, Vrenozi B, Blagoev G, Lazarov S (2011b) Spiders of Albania – faunistic and zoogeographical review (Arachnida: Araneae). Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 63: 125-144 pdf

Geci D, Naumova M (2021b) A preliminary checklist of the spiders of Kosovo (Arachnida: Araneae). Ecologia Balkanica, Special Edition 4: 11-28 pdf

Geci D, Naumova M, Ibrahimi H, Grapci-Kotori L, Gashi A, Bilalli A, Musliu M (2023) Contribution to spider fauna (Arachnida: Araneae) from Bjeshkët e Nemuna mountains (Kosovo). Natura Croatica 32: 525-547 pdf

Grbac I, Katušić L, Lukić M (2019) Catalogue of spiders (Araneae) deposited in the Croatian Natural History Museum. Natura Croatica 28: 185-269 pdf

Komnenov M (2017) New data on spider fauna (Araneae) of Shar Mountain, north-western Macedonia. Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the Ecologists of Macedonia, with international participation (Ohrid, 19th-22nd October 2016). Special issues of the Macedonian Ecological Society 13: 44-61 pdf

Mammola S, Pavlek M, Huber B A, Ballarin F, Tolve M, Čupić I, Hesselberg T, Lunghi E, Mouron S, Graco-Roza C, Cardoso P (2022) A trait database and updated checklist for European subterranean spiders. Scientific Data 9(236): 1-13 pdf

Naumova M, Lazarov S, Deltshev C (2019a) Faunistic diversity of the spiders in Montenegro (Arachnida: Araneae). Ecologica Montenegrina 22: 50-89 pdf

WSC (2025) World Spider Catalog. Version 26. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (28.2.2025) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

31-01-2024 Image insert
19-06-2021 Distribution insert Detail
28-06-2019 Distribution update Detail
04-12-2013 Distribution update Detail