Palp male: femur with longitudinal ridge in a depression. Vulva with 5-11 receptacula seminis, in various sizes. Prosoma female: dark brown, male: dark brown or red-brown to black. Sternum with dark median field, first pair of sigilla ± one diameter apart from margin of sternum. Metatarsus IV male: dorsally with 2 or more spines. Tarsus male: lighter. Opisthosoma female: grey-brown, male: mostly darker than prosoma. Posterior spinnerets only appearing 4 segmented, segment border is pretended by pigment-less part in dorsal view, distinctly 3 segments in ventral view.
Body length male: 9 mmIn dry meadows and slopes with scarce vegetation, up to 1200 m. Silken tube for capturing prey above ground 7-9 cm long, retreat tube in soil, 20-25 cm deep, diameter 12-15 mm, builds colonies, 70-160 hatchlings per female per year.
This species can bite humans. Pain has been described as a light burning sensation with some associated local redness, disappearing soon.
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"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
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