Contribute to araneae


1. How to provide photos

2. How to provide figures / scientific drawings

3. How to provide literature

4. How to provide text additions


1. How to provide photos

If you would like to contribute photos to araneae (preferably of species where we do not yet have (many) photos) please consider the following instructions and requirements. We are looking forward to your contribution.

Your photos should meet the following requirements:

  • File format: jpeg
  • Resolution: min. 72 pixels/inch
  • Dimensions of horizontal images: Width: 1200-1300 px x height: 800-860 px
  • Dimensions of vertical images: Width: variable x height: 800-860 px

For easier file processing we need at least some basic information about the photos (see table 1 for required and additional data which can be stored in our database). You can enter the data sets for each image file into the provided spreadsheet template (download).


Field Comment
Taxon *  
Photographer * First and last name
Date Can also be month and year or year only
Subject * E.g., male,  female, subadult, web, cocoon, etc.
Identified by * First and last name
Habitat Max. 255 characters
Locality Max. 255 characters, can be location name, city, etc.
Coordinates In Degree-Minute-Second (DMS) format
Country * ISO code or country name
Caption Original caption in publication or further text for all information not covered by the other data fields
Reference Reference of the publication, reference of your database or link to your homepage
File name * as submitted

*required fields


Spreadsheet template

You can submit the photos together with the spreadsheet by e-mail to Theo Blick ( or to one of the other editors or if you would like to submit a larger collection (>10 MB) please contact Daniel Gloor. He will provide you an upload link.

With your contribution you grant us the right to publish your photos at To protect your rights on the contributed photos we will add a watermark (© your name at to them.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of the editors.


2. How to provide figures / scientific drawings


You can send figures / scientific drawings to Please make sure that they meet following requirements:


Image format

Image width

Image height

Image resolution


281 px

310 px

72-200  pixel/inch


  • Remove any numbers, abbreviations, scale bars and arrows if possible and file name should refer to original figure number.
  • Please provide author and reference for the submitted figures.


3. How to provide literature


You can send articles or book sections in PDF format to


4. How to provide text additions


You can provide text additions via the "edit content" link in the species datasheet. In order to submit a text addition, you have to be a registered user and logged in. Please follow the instructions provided on the help page. You will find the link to the help page at the top of the entry form.